About bioresonance
For publications lists and clinical trials visit menu: NOB or go to https://www.facebook.com/Naukowo.o.biorezonansie
We live in a world of information. Sending information by an invisible wave over unlimited distances exactly to the device specified by the sender does not surprise anyone.
Bioresonance also uses information in the form of waves. Just as there are no two identical people in the world or things, the waves emitted by these people and things are also measurably unique. The waves we are talking about are in the range of short and very short frequencies.
Russia is the only country in Europe that has officially recognized bioresonance as an effective treatment in traditional medicine (using automatic bioresonance devices from Russian and German manufacturers). A detailed description of the principles of bioresonance is set out in the doctoral dissertation of Gotovsky, Mikhail Yurevich: Development of methods, models and algorithms for adaptive processing of low-intensity electrical signals for bioresonance therapy (original in Russian) https://www.dissercat.com/content/razrabotka-metodov-modelei-i-algoritmov-adaptivnoi-obrabotki-nizkointensivnykh-elektricheski
One of the PhD thesis, with results based on clinical studies in over 1,000 mice and over 200 humans:
Salia, Natela Teimurazovna, Experimental and clinical assessment of the effects of the use of bioresonance technologies in cardiac surgery patients in the early postoperative period https://www.dissercat.com/content/eksperimentalno-klinicheskaya-otsenka-effektov-primeneniya-bioretezonansny-kar
Defense of doctoral thesis of Salia, Natela Teimurazovna on yt: https://youtu.be/DmGiz6Fks0Y
we conduct treatment with alternative medicine. We speak English.
The devices we use are analog (as opposed to automatic bioresonances based on digital pathogen databases). This means that each pathogen is tested with a separate test ampoule.
We work on German devices:
- Bicom 2000 by Regumed
- Orgonstrahler of Herbert & Breves Bioaktiv GmbH
- Schwingungspotenzierer of Herbert & Breves Bioaktiv GmbH
We carry out diagnostics and endogenous and exogenous therapies:
– Lyme disease and co-infections
– chronic fatigue
– intestinal pain and dysfunction
– allergies and intolerances
– headaches, migraines
– bone and joint pain
– pathogenic infections
– removing heavy metal and other toxins loads
– chronic stress, depression
– oncological prophylaxis
– improving the body in autism, autoimmune and metabolic diseases, chronic diseases and diseases of unknown origin.
The average duration of a visit cycle for a person is about 8 treatments.
In Lyme disease, a cycle can last 14 or more visits.
No age restrictions, no side effects.
The clinic does not conduct medical activity, does not make medical diagnoses and does not treat as understood by academic medicine. Only bioresonance tests and bioresonance therapies are performed. They are not a substitute for medical visits and medical examinations.